The tension in the elastic ropes releases, pulling you straight off the ground. You shoot up into the air, reaching a height of almost 15 metres. You know that the harness will keep you safe, but that doesn’t keep away the feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
Bungee Ejection is a variant of the popular sport of Bungee Jumping. Here, participants are rocketed vertically upwards before they come back down, while being connected to elastic tension ropes the entire time.
A full body harness will be attached to the participant. The elastic ropes and the carabineers of the systems are checked and tested on daily basis.
Participants must be at least 14 years of age. The maximum permissible weight limit is 90 kgs. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes excluding Sarees and Dhotis. Further, people with health issues like cardiac problems, bone issues, recent surgery, neck problem, back problem and high blood pressure are not advised to participate.